Sunday 3 April 2016

Rehearsing Effectively

How do you rehearse effectively?

  • If you're not performing, be considerate to people on stage by not talking to show respect. Instead, you can learn your lines or you can go through your script and work out more about your character and their relationships with others (whether your character likes them, what they want from them).
  • Alternatively, you can give feedback to scenes you're not in by observing; looking at what needs to be improved and by making notes. Are the people in the scene playing the objective you think they are? 
  • Learn from other people's mistakes: listen to the director's feedback for other scenes and apply tips to your scene.
  • Be constructive, not destructive: only talk if you want to discuss an aspect of the scene with another actor offstage. Also, make sure you send positive energy to those performing so they don't become discouraged by giving them friendly but fair advice on how to improve, or what was good about the scene. 

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